Price list of services

Fee (VAT 0) Effective from Nov. 2011

Use of instruments:

                                                                                 Internal user              External user
                                                                                     € / hour                    € / hour           

JOEL JEM 1400 TEM                                                       40                           160                 

JOEL JEM 1200 EX TEM                                                  40                          160

Leica SP2 confocal system                                              18                           72

Live cell imaging with confocal                                   18 /h + 20 /session    72 /h + 80 /session

Live cell imaging with DIC (no laser)                              5 + 20 /session       20 /h + 80 /session


TEM specimen Preparation:
(charge per sample processed)                                     € / piece                   € / piece

Negative staining                                                              2                             8                               

Critical point drying                                                          8                              32  

Rotary shadowing (Pt/c)                                                   40                            160

Glow discharge                                                                 3                              12                

Note: since the specimen prepare lab belongs to HUSLAB, the prices for TEM specimen preparation subject to HUSLAB criteria. Please contact: Anne-dot-Raisanen-Sokolowski-at-hus-dot-fi for more details.

Internal user means users from within university of Helsinki.
For users from within Haartman Institute, charge for confocal microscope is waived  as institute pays the laser maintenance.

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This page was last updated 26.11.2013